Digital Marketing

Living in Micro-Moments

According to Google, 87% of Millenials always have their phone on their side and felt anxious if they don’t have their phone with them. It has become a personal and staple item for us.

With many micro-moments –i-want-to-know, i-want-to-go, i-want-to-buy and i-want-to-do moments; We rely on our mobiles every day to make ‘in the moment’ decisions.

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What is Micro-Moments?

The video below will show examples of what a micro-moment is.

By businesses thinking of these ‘moment’ rather than stereotyping unique individuals of customers that will fit their product, they are more likely to attract a wider audience.



Google has shared 3 strategies for business to WIN THESE MICRO-MOMENTS:

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1.By being there, when customers conducting a search, your brand will be exposed to awareness and possibly be chosen. 

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2. Providing useful information with top-speed experience to educate them and make purchases quickly.

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3. Right away, quickest-of-the-quick, hazzle-free, should be the aim for your customer to achiever what they need.


This concept helps marketers to create competitive advantage, by making their products or services relevant to customers little moments. Thus, it is vital to ensure that they are there (be there) when consumers search for them, provide the right answers (be useful), promptly (be quick).


What are your thoughts about these concepts? What businesses do you think have adopted and demonstrated a good understanding of micro-moments of their customers?

Do share your thoughts!

12 thoughts on “Living in Micro-Moments”

  1. I think this is such an interesting concept that Google has taken on. Sometimes, we have a problem or question and need an answer to it at that moment, and Google has solved this by providing consumers with quick-fix answers to their problem just by doing a quick search. Basically, consumers have a need for immediacy- the Dominos app is a great example where it has allowed consumers to order pizza in less than 5 steps.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Corlisse! I have not installed the Dominos app yet, but I will check it out! I agree with you, a consumer will strive for instant answer and most of the time, they will turn to their phones to ask for it. A great way for exposure and increase awareness for business indeed!


  2. I love the concept of this! Google makes us feel like they are always there for us in whatever situation. Tbh nowadays wherever I am, whatever I do, the first thing I think of is looking it up through Google and I’m always happy with the answers and moments it gives me! Love this concept. Recently, I’m amazed at the Commonwealth App, they started this thing where it tells me which category I am spending the most money in, it allows me to track my spending and it even tells me straight away when a friend transfers money to my account and by how much. These are the things that I want to know! Nice blog 🙂


    1. Hi Tanisha! appreciate your comment here 🙂 I would say that Commonwealth app has indeed added great features to their app, that captures micro-moments of these customers!


  3. Good post, Winona! What an inspiring post. I have to admit that I am doing the same thing as your video and I am always google first if I have any problems. Because I am a lazy person and I do not want to think about the problem in-depth. For the digital marketer, this means they need a very good content and their content must be relevant to the customer. Otherwise, they cannot increase their rank on Google. Base on the concept of this website, a good ranking can bring more customer to the business.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Toby! Thank you for your thoughts and for watching the video embedded! I always face the same situation, and after all, turning our questions to our phones seems to make more sense, just because if we ask people around us, there is no guarantee they will give spot-on answers like Google!


  4. very insight blog~ thanks, people are becoming more dependent on Mobile Phone, it is a serious problem for us, and even children. They prefer playing iPad at on to doing outside exercise. As a marketer, we have the responsibility to consider customers’ health problems. I like the concept ~~~

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Nule! Thanks for your comment. I do also think that there is a disadvantage on how we are becoming more dependent on a mobile phone since data that we give mobile phone is being used for companies enhancement.


  5. Great post Winona! I definitely find myself doing these micro-moments everyday when I use google, especially on my phone. I haven’t really noticed specific companies off the top of my head who stand out at being good at targeting these marketing moments, but I would imagine that brands who nail their SEO or pay to be one of the ads on the first page of Google would be successful in getting clicked during those micro-moments.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Katrina! Thank you for a piece of thoughts from you. I agree with you, surely brands that succeeded in their SEO (resulting in awareness from us) is automatically being good at targeting these micro marketing moments.


  6. Hey Winona, great post 🙂 I LOVE brands that can help me find what I am looking for exactly when I am looking for it. It’s all about convenience!
    My Fitbit caters to a lot of my fitness micro moments throughout the day. The app loads my sleeping pattern, steps for the day, calories burned, active minutes and heart rate all in just seconds. When I get so caught up at work, it buzzes on my wrist to let me know it’s ‘step-o’clock’ time and offers ‘how-to-do’ exercise videos when I get some spare time. Funnily enough, this technology probably encourages me to complete more ‘I-want-to-do moments’ and I guess that’s great for business!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi Kim! Thank you for your comment. Fitbit is undoubtedly a great example of a business that captures these micro-moments, and even suggesting these micro-moments!


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